Economou: Erdogan feels uncomfortable because Greece is strengthening on all fronts -

Economou: Erdogan feels uncomfortable because Greece is strengthening on all fronts

Γιάννης Οικονόμου ΕΣΠΑ απορρόφηση
Ο κυβερνητικός εκπρόσωπος Γιάννης Οικονόμου / ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ/EUROKINISSI

Government spokesman Yiannis Economou in an interview with 'Skai TV' on Saturday said that it is absolutely obvious that the continuous strengthening of Greece on all fronts, in the economy, in diplomacy, in its deterrence capacity, makes Mr. Erdogan to feel extremely uncomfortable.

"And that makes him exceed any limit. From the verbal tense of the previous period, he has now changed stance. He even attempted an intervention in the internal affairs of our country. It is only natural that Mr. Erdogan is not feeling comfortable with a government that is scoring successes for the country. It is reasonable not to feel comfortable with a government that is strengthening the country with an armaments programme and it is enhancing its defence capacity and certainly consolidating its position as a factor of stability in the Southeast Mediterranean," he noted.

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