Diamantopoulou criticizes Paris Opening Ceremony - iefimerida.gr

Diamantopoulou criticizes Paris Opening Ceremony

Η Άννα Διαμαντοπούλου
Η Άννα Διαμαντοπούλου / Φωτογραφία αρχείου

In a recent social media post, Anna Diamantopoulou, a candidate for the leadership of the PASOK party, voiced her concerns regarding certain aspects of the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony.

Ms.Diamantopoulou emphasized that Olympism should not be a platform for promoting divisive approaches or offending religious beliefs.

"The Olympics are not an opportunity to offend religious beliefs," Ms. Diamantopoulou wrote, addressing the controversy sparked by specific elements of the opening ceremony in Paris.

She stressed that the true spirit of the Olympic Games, aimed to "promote unity through diversity, peace, friendship, the joy of participation, and competition in an environment of mutual respect."

Ms. Diamantopoulou recalled the Athens 2004 Olympics opening ceremony, highlighting how it encapsulated these values and remains "unsurpassed" and "continues to inspire us." She stated, "Olympism brings together and symbolizes the values of humanism. It is not a field for projecting and especially imposing divisive approaches. Just as it is not an opportunity to offend religious beliefs and strong cultural traditions."

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