Deputy Health Min visits Santorini's main hospital -

Deputy Health Min visits Santorini's main hospital

Marios Themistocleous
Marios Themistocleous /Credits: Eurokinissi

Deputy Health Minister Marios Themistocleous paid a visit to the hospital of Santorini on Tuesday to review its preparations in view of continued seismic activity on the island.

Themistocleous observed the evacuation exercise of the General Hospital of Thera that was completed successfully.

The minister was accompanied by the chief of the EKAV ambulance service, the chief of the health region, and other officials. At the hospital, he spoke with the administration and medical staff on emergency plans and how to improve them.

"We commit to ensuring that our hospitals are prepared to respond successfully to such challenges, protecting the health and safety of citizens. In Santorini's case, we have already strengthened the General Hospital of Thera with more doctors and rescuers, while six units from EKAV's special section on medical disasters and the 2nd Health Region are on call for immediate support in case of a strong earthquake," Themistocleous underlined.

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