Dendias meets IAEA’s Grossi; visits Schiebel UAS plant in Austria -

Dendias meets IAEA’s Grossi; visits Schiebel UAS plant in Austria

Dendias meets IAEA’s Grossi; visits Schiebel UAS plant in Austria
Dendias meets IAEA’s Grossi; visits Schiebel UAS plant in Austria

Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias met with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Rafael M. Grossi, in Vienna on Wednesday.

Dendias in a post on X, stressed that "nuclear power plant safety issues" were discussed. Dendias also visited the Schiebel unmanned systems manufacturing plant in Austria.

“I visited the UASs Schiebel manufacturing facility in Austria, where I was given a tour by the Managing Director and owner of the Company, Hans Georg Schiebel.

I was also given a demonstration of the UAS, which will be included in the armament of the new Belharra frigates of the Hellenic Navy” streesed Dendias in a post on X.

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