Dendias stresses NATO's commitment to sovereignty at the Ukraine Defence Contact Group in Brussels -

Dendias stresses NATO's commitment to sovereignty at the Ukraine Defence Contact Group in Brussels

Defence Minister Nikos Dendias
Defence Minister Nikos Dendias /Credits: Eurokinissi

Defence Minister Nikos Dendias, arriving at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, where the Ukraine Defence Contact Group meets on Wednesday, stressed that "NATO is always an alliance of values, and all NATO exercises are planned with full respect for the sovereignty and sovereign rights of all member countries. There is no other way and no other approach, and it will not be condoned."

Dendias noted that the Ukraine Defence Contact Group will be chaired by the UK Defence Secretary and not his US counterpart. Dendias also noted that the NATO Defence Ministers' Council will be attended by the new US Secretary of State Pete Hegseth.

"It will be very interesting to hear his positions" and "it is very important to see the positions of the new US administration on the Ukraine issue," Dendias said.

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