Dendias: Greece is present in Odessa -

Dendias: Greece is present in Odessa

Nίκος Δένδιας
Nίκος Δένδιας / Φωτογραφία: Twitter

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias on Sunday sent the message that Greece is present in Odessa.

"I am here today, representing the Greek government, but also the entire Greek society, to transfer aid, first here, in Odessa. Humanitarian aid for the Greek Diaspora, but also for the entire population of the city," Dendias said after his visit to the Greek Consulate General and the Museum of Filiki Etairia.

He also announced that from today the Greek consulate in Odessa will be open again and thanked the Consul General Dimitris Dohtsis and his associates for the way in which they perform their duty.

"The consulate will help the distribution of humanitarian aid, will help create evacuation corridors for the Greek Diaspora if needed from any part of Ukraine through Odessa and will underline our historic presence in this city," he stated.

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