Defence Min Dendias and Josep Borrell discuss strengthening EU defence at ASPIDES operation headquarters in Larissa -

Defence Min Dendias and Josep Borrell discuss strengthening EU defence at ASPIDES operation headquarters in Larissa

Επίσκεψη Μπορέλ-Δένδια στο Στρατηγείο της επιχείρησης «ΑΣΠΙΔΕΣ» στη Λάρισα
Επίσκεψη Μπορέλ-Δένδια στο Στρατηγείο της επιχείρησης «ΑΣΠΙΔΕΣ» στη Λάρισα / Φωτογραφία: Eurokinissi

The strengthening of the European pillar of security and defence and the operation "ASPIDES" were the main topics of discussion between National Defence Minister Nikos Dendias and the European Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and European Commission Vice-President Josep Borrell at the Headquarters of Operation "ASPIDES" (OHQ EUNAVFOR ASPIDES) in Larissa.


They received "a detailed briefing from Admiral Gryparis and the officers of the various states serving here on the latest developments," according to Dendias.

Dendias reiterated also that "for the Hellenic Republic it is a strategic priority to strengthen the European Defence and Security Mechanisms and to create a defence arm of the European Union. Within this framework of our perception of the joint European defence effort, the proposal by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has an additional significant political dimension. However, it should be clear that this concept must apply to all Member States of our Union. It is not possible to move forward when only a few states support it," he stressed.

"ASPIDES is proof that the European Union can act when it wants to. It can react and be a provider of security to the global community," Dendias said.

Dendias and Borell, accompanied by Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff General Dimitrios Choupis and Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff Vice Admiral Dimitrios-Eleftherios Kataras, will travel to Djibouti where on Saturday they will visit the port city’s Frigate "PSARA," which participates in the European operation "ASPIDES" (EUNAVFOR ASPIDES).

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