Debate of six candidates for PASOK-KINAL leadership broadcast by ERT -

Debate of six candidates for PASOK-KINAL leadership broadcast by ERT

Debate ΠΑΣΟΚ στούντιο ΕΡΤ
Τηλεμαχία των έξι υποψηφίων για την ηγεσία του ΠΑΣΟΚ στην ΕΡΤ / Φωτογραφία: IntimeNews / ΛΙΑΚΟΣ ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ

The debate of the six candidates for the leadership of PASOK-Movement for Change (KINAL) took place on Tuesday night, at national broadcaster ERT in Aghia Paraskevi.

The six candidates included current leader Nikos Androulakis, Pavlos Geroulanos, Nadia Giannakopoulou, Anna Diamantopoulou, Haris Doukas, and Michalis Katrinis.

Candidates spoke about their stance on six thematic units: Economy-Development-Social state-New generation-Demographic issue, Foreign policy-defense-European Union, State-Institutions-Local government, Climate crisis-Civil protection-Energy transition, and PASOK: The day after.

Candidates had agreed that questions would not exceed 30 seconds and answers not exceed 90 seconds.

Journalists Apostolos Magiriadis and Giorgos Kouvaras were allowed a total of 6 follow-up questions each to the candidates. Every question was not allowed to exceed 15 seconds and every answer not exceed 30 seconds.

Every candidate had the option of submitting questions, statements, and comments a total of five times during the debate, but not to the same fellow-candidate or on the same theme. Questions and answers were not to exceed 30 seconds.

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