Cyclades Archaeological Sites Safe From Quakes, Official Says -

Cyclades Archaeological Sites Safe From Quakes, Official Says

Το νησί της Δήλου με τα αρχαία

Amid increased seismic activity in the Cyclades, officials have reassured the public that archaeological sites are protected.

Dimitris Athanasoulis, head of the Cyclades Antiquities Department, said the islands are generally safe from earthquakes, except for the area affected by the fault between Amorgos and Santorini, and the volcanic arc around Santorini.

"The Cyclades are among the safest places in Greece," he said.

Athanasoulis emphasized measures to secure museums and artifacts, noting objects are stored safely. Santorini buildings are constructed to seismic standards, and facilities, including the Akrotiri archaeological site, are designed to withstand earthquakes.

The Akrotiri shelter has special anti-seismic engineering.

Mr. Athanasoulis reassured the public that Delos, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is in a low-risk zone. The current seismic threat mainly affects Santorini, Amorgos, Anafi, and Ios, he said.

Efforts continue to protect the region’s ancient treasures.

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