Culture ministry 'systematically studying impact of climate crisis on monuments, Mendoni says -

Culture ministry 'systematically studying impact of climate crisis on monuments, Mendoni says

Αρχαία Κόρινθος
Φωτογραφία: Shutterstock

The culture ministry is systematically studying the impact of the climate crisis on Greece's monuments and preparing a national plan that will be ready in 2025, Culture Minister Lina Mendoni said on Friday, in an interview with Alpha 9.89 radio.

She said this included a research project with a budget of 30 million euros that had been submitted to the Recovery Fund for financing, while the ministry had also formed a working group that was in daily contact with the climate crisis and civil protection ministry and had the support of the environment ministry and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

She had also ordered a thorough inspection of the "non-structural vulnerability" of buildings as a precaution, she added.

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