Culture Min Mendoni to visit US for ancient artifacts repatriation -

Culture Min Mendoni to visit US for ancient artifacts repatriation

Η Λίνα Μενδώνη

Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni will visit the US within the framework of bilateral cooperation for the protection of cultural heritage. According to a statement by the Ministry of Culture, on Friday Mendoni will attend a ceremony of repatriation of Greek antiquities at the Greek Embassy in Washington, DC.

She will also meet with Senior Official under Secretary for Public Diplomacy Darren Beattie and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs Scott Weinhold. On Monday, Mendoni will attend the repatriation ceremony of a bronze Griffin head at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET) in New York.

On Tuesday, there will be a repatriation ceremony for 11 ancient artifacts ordered by the New York State Attorney General's office. Prior to the repatriation ceremony, she will decorate Assistant New York Attorney General Matthew Bogdanos. Afterwards, Mendoni will participate in a panel entitled Cultural Heritage Now: The Cyclades at The Met, a New Model of Collaboration, at the MET.

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