Crackdown on beach violations sees more than 4,500 inspections in three weeks -

Crackdown on beach violations sees more than 4,500 inspections in three weeks

© Aris Oikonomou / SOOC

Authorities have intensified their efforts to address zoning violations on Greek beaches and coastlines, conducting over 4,500 inspections in the past three weeks alone. These inspections were prompted by citizen complaints regarding unauthorised use of public beaches and coastal areas.

More than 150 beaches and over 750 businesses have been scrutinised during this period. The majority of complaints were submitted through the MyCoast application, a platform designed to facilitate citizen reporting of beach violations. Additional reports were made via phone calls to local authorities.


The Ministry of Economy acknowledges that while the situation has improved compared to previous years, violations such as lack of signage and unauthorised occupation of beach space continue to be a concern.

Administrative fines have been imposed on all businesses found in violation of regulations.

In a significant move to reclaim public space, authorities have sealed off businesses on 20 beaches that had illegally occupied the coast with sunbeds and umbrellas without proper permits. These sections of beaches have been cleared and made available for free use by the public.

This crackdown on beach violations reflects a growing commitment to preserving Greece's natural beauty and ensuring that its coastlines remain accessible to all. While challenges remain, the increased enforcement of regulations and active participation of citizens in reporting violations signal a positive step towards protecting Greece's beaches for future generations.

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