Couple charged with gruesome murder of 7-year-old boy taken to jail on Tuesday -

Couple charged with gruesome murder of 7-year-old boy taken to jail on Tuesday

Κυψέλη, μητέρα δολοφονημένου παιδιού
Η μητέρα του 7χρονου αγοριού κατά τη μεταγωγή της στα δικαστήρια/ Φωτογραφία: INTIME NEWS/ΛΙΑΚΟΣ ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ

A 33-year-old man and a 29-year-old woman charged with committing together the murder of the woman's seven-year-old son were taken to jail on Tuesday, the Hellenic Police reported.

Arrested last week on Friday, the couple on Saturday had confessed to the killing of the boy in 2017. They then concealed his body for five years, taking it with them from one apartment to another. Police investigating the boy's disappearance found his bones stored in a toolbox in the couple's flat in the Athens district of Kypseli on Saturday.

The mother of the slain boy, a Greek national, had been led before a public prosecutor on Sunday morning, while her partner, a Polish national, had been led before a prosecutor on Saturday night.

According to their confession, they caused the boy's death by asphyxiation after blocking his nose and mouth with duct tape, then built a make-shift tomb with bricks on the roof of their apartment building, where they placed the body.

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