Counter-terrorism service arrests perpetrators of arson attacks including at synagogue in Athens -

Counter-terrorism service arrests perpetrators of arson attacks including at synagogue in Athens

Φωτογραφία αρχείου: EUROKINISSI

The Greek Counter-terrorism Service arrested a total of seven individuals over two separate cases of arson attacks in Athens, at a store and hotel in May and at a Jewish synagogue in June, respectively.

Early on May 15, two foreign nationals aged 46 and 36 and a Greek woman, 25, with a foreign accomplice, 44, threw a homemade incendiary device at a building in Athens that housed a health-related store and a hotel.

In the other incident, early on June 18, a Greek male, 44, and a foreign male, 26, with a foreign accomplice aged 30, approached on a stolen motorcycle the central entrance of a building housing a synagogue in the center of Athens and started a fire by throwing flammable material.

The people arrested by police have been charged on several counts per case, including arson with racist motives, and were led before the relevant prosecutor in Athens. Proof confiscated from a home and a jail cell were sent to the state criminal lab for examination.

Of all individuals, five were detained and two were released on restrictions.

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