Clashes Erupt in Athens After Train Disaster Protest -

Clashes Erupt in Athens After Train Disaster Protest

@intimenews ΛΙΑΚΟΣ ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ

A peaceful protest in Athens over the recent train disaster in Tempe turned violent Wednesday night as clashes broke out between police and hooded individuals.

The demonstration, held in Syntagma Square, was organized to demand accountability for the February 28 train collision that killed 57 people.

As the main protest concluded, a group of individuals near the intersection of Filellinon and Mitropoleos streets ignited trash bins and launched projectiles at police forces.

Police responded with tear gas and stun grenades.

The unrest lasted for about an hour, with sporadic incidents reported around Syntagma Square and near the Greek Parliament.

Four arrests were made, and one officer was injured and transported to a hospital.

Two demonstrators reportedly fainted due to the effects of tear gas, and at least one person suffered a head injury.

Traffic in central Athens, which had been disrupted during the unrest, was later restored.

The incident highlights ongoing tensions in Greece following the Tempe tragedy, which has sparked widespread public outrage and calls for government reforms.

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