Citizen Protection Min Chrisochoidis bids farewell to mentor Costas Simitis -

Citizen Protection Min Chrisochoidis bids farewell to mentor Costas Simitis

The Greek Minister of Citizen Protection, Michalis Chrysochoidis
The Greek Minister of Citizen Protection, Michalis Chrysochoidis / Photo credits: Intimenews -Panagiotopoulos Nikos

Minister of Citizen Protection Michalis Chrisochoidis has shared a text on social media in which he bids farewell to former Prime Minister Costas Simitis.

Chrisochoidis describes him as his "mentor" in politics and stresses that "his term of office was one of the most important milestones in our recent national journey".

Chrisochoidis referred with respect to the work of Costas Simitis but also to their relationship that led to his appointment to the Ministry of Public Order with the mandate to deal with terrorism and in particular the dismantling of 17 November.

"Costas Simitis is my political conscience, which I cultivated through his example...Our commitment, as an honor to his memory, is the constant struggle for a strong Greece with modern democratic governance and social justice," Chrisochoidis stressed.

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