CCTV Footage Reveals Cold-Blooded Assassination of Engineer in Athens Suburb -

CCTV Footage Reveals Cold-Blooded Assassination of Engineer in Athens Suburb

Μαφιόζικη εκτέλεση άνδρα στο Ψυχικό / Φωτογραφία: INTIMENEWS/ΣΑΡΕΛΑΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ
Μαφιόζικη εκτέλεση άνδρα στο Ψυχικό / Φωτογραφία: INTIMENEWS/ΣΑΡΕΛΑΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ

Authorities have released chilling video footage of the brazen assassination of civil engineer Panagiotis Stathis, who was shot dead outside his office in Neo Psychiko on Tuesday morning.

The footage shows the killer, riding a scooter with fake license plates, approaching Stathis's BMW and firing multiple shots through the window before fleeing the scene.

Police have recovered CCTV footage tracing the killer's route around the crime scene and are examining audiovisual recordings in an effort to identify the perpetrator. The scooter's legal owner has been questioned but is not considered a suspect.

The investigation is focusing on Stathis's professional activities on popular Greek islands such as Mykonos, Paros, and Ios, where he conducted land surveys for decades. Authorities suspect the killing may be linked to his work in these areas, known for rampant illegal construction and potential ties to organised crime.

Stathis was a co-owner of a technical company that conducted land survey studies on the islands since the late 1990s. The motive behind his assassination remains unclear, but police are exploring all possible leads, including potential conflicts with business rivals or involvement in illicit activities.

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