Bonhams: The Konstantinos Parthenis’ "Apotheosis of Athanasios Diakos“, referred to as the “Apotheosis of European painting" -

Bonhams: The Konstantinos Parthenis’ "Apotheosis of Athanasios Diakos“, referred to as the “Apotheosis of European painting"

«Η Αποθέωση του Αθανασίου Διάκου»

Konstantinos Parthenis' masterpiece painting, "The Apotheosis of Athanasios Diakos", will be coming up in the Bonhams' autumn Greek Sale.

The auction will take place on November 24, in Paris.

The composition of "The Apotheosis of Athanasios Diakos" by Konstantinos Parthenis was noted as "the apotheosis of European painting" of the early 20th century.

It bears all the characteristics of European modernism, symbolism and avant-garde trends of the era, expressed in a harmonious and lyrical composition, mesmerising the viewers. It is of great symbolical value that it is to be auctioned in the year Greece is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the 1821 Independence Revolution.


The work was the jewel of the famous collection of Spyros Loverdos (1877-1934), co-founder of the People's Bank (the Laiki Bank) along with his brother Dionysis. The two brothers, as patrons of the arts and ardent supporters of the artist, had acquired, at very high prices, Parthenis' most iconic works such as “Prayer on the Mount of Olives” (sold by Bonhams, Greek Sale, April 9, 2014, lot 24).

Having entrusted the painter with the supervision of the Dionysius Loverdos Museum of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art, the Loverdos brothers were of great influence both to the artist during his highly productive years, as well as to the familiarisation with the trend of new-Byzantine art.

TheAthens exhibition

All Bonham’s Autumn Greek sale pieces of art will be open to public from Wednesday 10 November to Saturday 13 November, at 36 Amalias Avenue. Until then, at the offices of Art Expertise, 7 N. Vamvas 7 Kolonaki, by appointment and in accordance with the security regulations for Covid-19.

The Paris exhibition will take place from 20 to 24 November at Bonhams, 4 Rue de la Paix. 7,

Art Expertise, N.. Vamva, GR 106 74 Athens, t. 210 36 36 404, f. 210 36 36 470, email: art@expertise.

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