BoG Governor Stournaras: ECB set for interest rate cut in April -

BoG Governor Stournaras: ECB set for interest rate cut in April

Yannis Stournaras
Yannis Stournaras

The Governor of the Bank of Greece Yannis Stournaras, announced a new interest rate cut by the European Central Bank in April.

In an interview with Econostream, he said that "If the meeting was today, I would be more confident that we would decide on a cut because inflation in February was 2.3%. Everything is pointing towards a cut in April. But it's not April yet; we're in March. We have a month ahead of us, so I can't tell you that we will decide on a cut. And the uncertainty is so high that it's impossible to know what might happen to change our decision."

Stournaras reiterated that there would be two more cuts in 2025 and stressed that 2% would be the end point for interest rates. He clarified, however, that he could not predict exactly when these two cuts would take place.

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