Attiki Odos concessionaire to take over on October 6, ministries say -

Attiki Odos concessionaire to take over on October 6, ministries say

Αττική Οδός
Credits: Eurokinissi

The Greek state will turn over the management and use of Attiki Odos highway to the new concessionaire Nea Attiki Odos SA on October 6, the Ministries of National Economy & Economics and Infrastructure & Transport said on Monday.

In a joint statement, the ministries said that this follows up on the concession agreement signed on September 12 that includes provision of services for the funding, operation, maintenance, and development of Attiki Odos.

The date of October 6 (a Sunday) will allow enough time for the ratification of the agreement by Parliament and the completion of the financial transaction, a total of 3.27 billion euros. The ministries statement said the amount is "the highest every achieved in a tender process by the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund, reducing equally Greece's public debt by nearly 1.5 percentage points in terms of GDP.

(The highway connects the Athens-Lamia national road with the Athens-Corinth national road, bypassing the center of Athens.)

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