Attica Fire Damage Assessment Underway: Government Pledges Support -

Attica Fire Damage Assessment Underway: Government Pledges Support

Attica Fire Damage Assessment Underway: Government Pledges Support
Attica Fire Damage Assessment Underway: Government Pledges Support / eurokinissi

The process of evaluating and recording the fire damage to buildings and businesses in Attica has begun, according to senior government officials.

The initiative is spearheaded by the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, working in conjunction with local authorities at both the municipal and regional levels.

Teams from the General Secretariat for the Restoration of Natural Disasters and State Aid, specifically the General Directorate for the Restoration of Natural Disaster Impacts and the State Aid Committees, are leading these inspections.

A housing assistance program has been activated for damaged buildings, covering all types of structures.

Additionally, a compensation scheme is in place for household goods, minor repairs, and immediate needs of affected families. Inspections for these compensations are being conducted to aid municipalities in distributing funds.

Businesses that suffered damage to equipment, merchandise, and other assets can access a state aid program. This includes grants for material damages, such as losses in equipment, raw materials, commercial goods, and vehicles.

The State Aid Committees of the Attica Region are managing this support in partnership with the Directorate of State Aid.

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