Athens Hospital Launches Investigation After Elevator Incident Injures Four -

Athens Hospital Launches Investigation After Elevator Incident Injures Four

Athens Hospital Launches Investigation After Elevator Incident Injures Four
Athens Hospital Launches Investigation After Elevator Incident Injures Four

An investigation is underway at the "Korgialenio-Benakeio" Red Cross General Hospital in Athens after an elevator incident injured four people on Thursday.

The incident occurred around 1:15 PM and involved a discharged patient, their companion, and two paramedics from a private ambulance service.

According to the hospital administration, all four individuals sustained minor injuries and are currently under observation. Hospital Director Olga Balaoura confirmed that the elevator had passed recent safety inspections and that the maintenance contract is up to date.

The 1st Health District of Attica has launched an administrative inquiry to determine the cause of the incident and ensure accountability.

The hospital administration has reassured the public that all necessary safety protocols are being followed and that patient safety remains a top priority.

This incident comes as Greece continues to grapple with aging infrastructure in some public facilities. While the Red Cross Hospital maintains that the elevator met safety standards, the investigation will examine all potential factors that may have contributed to the incident.

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