Athens Boosts Security on Public Transport -

Athens Boosts Security on Public Transport

Τέσσερις συλλήψεις και δεκάδες έλεγχοι στην πρεμιέρα της «Αριάδνης» στα μέσα μεταφοράς
Τέσσερις συλλήψεις και δεκάδες έλεγχοι στην πρεμιέρα της «Αριάδνης» στα μέσα μεταφοράς

Authorities in Athens have launched an enhanced security plan to improve safety on the city's public transport network.

The operation, which involves about 220 police officers, focuses on preventing crime and ensuring passenger safety across buses, the metro, and the suburban railway.

On the first day of the upgraded plan, police conducted over 150 checks, leading to four arrests and three detentions. One arrest occurred at Omonia metro station during an attempted robbery. Three arrests were made at Larissa Station, a key hub on the suburban railway, and involved individuals lacking proper identification.

The security plan prioritizes buses and the suburban railway in its initial phase, with police presence and patrols from the start of service until late at night. Authorities say police presence on public transport in the Attica region will be further increased.

The operation aims to address growing concerns about safety and vandalism on public transport.

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