Arrest Warrants Issued in Nea Makri Arson Case -

Arrest Warrants Issued in Nea Makri Arson Case

Tree on fire
Credits: Shutterstock

A 61-year-old orthopedic physician and his 50-year-old wife have been arrested in Nea Makri, east Attica, on charges of withholding information related to several fires in the area.

An arrest warrant has also been issued for the woman's 17-year-old son, who is accused of deliberately setting the blazes.

The fire brigade's arson unit alleges the couple was aware of the teenager's actions. He is suspected of starting at least eight outdoor fires this past summer, with the intention of sparking a wildfire.

The area holds painful memories of a devastating 2018 wildfire in nearby Mati that claimed 102 lives. Additionally, a recent destructive wildfire in northeast Attica caused significant damage and fear.

Authorities claim the physician had specific knowledge of the fires' timing and location, allegedly parking his car in a safe place beforehand.

Both adults deny the charges, stating they were asleep during the incidents.

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