Arctic Blast "Coral" to Bring Snow, Frigid Temperatures to Greece, Southeast Europe -

Arctic Blast "Coral" to Bring Snow, Frigid Temperatures to Greece, Southeast Europe

Τοποθέτηση αντιολισθητικών αλυσίδων
Credits: SOOC

A powerful Arctic front named "Coral" is forecast to bring a sharp drop in temperatures, strong winds, and heavy snow across Greece and Southeast Europe starting Wednesday, according to the Hellenic National Meteorological Service (EMY).

The severe weather is expected to last through Monday.

Temperatures will plummet by 8 to 10 degrees Celsius (14 to 18 Fahrenheit) in northern and eastern Greece, with the coldest conditions expected over the weekend.

Northern Greece, central and eastern mainland areas, the Aegean islands, and Crete are all forecast to see heavy snow.

Gale-force northerly winds reaching 7 to 8 on the Beaufort scale are expected in the Aegean Sea, creating potentially hazardous conditions for maritime activities.

"This is a significant weather event that will affect a wide area, not just Greece but also neighboring countries in Southeast Europe," said EMY meteorologist Dimitris Ziakopoulos. "People should take precautions, especially in areas expecting snow and strong winds."

Authorities are advising the public to stay updated on weather alerts and avoid unnecessary travel during the storm.

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