Archbishop Anastasios in critical condition – PM Mitsotakis visits Evangelismos hospital -

Archbishop Anastasios in critical condition – PM Mitsotakis visits Evangelismos hospital

Archbishop Anastasios
Archbishop Anastasios /Credits: Eurokinissi

The health condition of Archbishop Anastasios of Albania is considered critical by his attending doctors, according to a new medical statement from the Evangelismos Hospital.

In the last few hours, the health of Archbishop Anastasios has shown signs of deterioration.

Earlier Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the "Evangelismos" hospital where Archbishop Anastasios of Albania is being treated. According to reports, Mitsotakis was informed by the Professor of Pulmonology and Intensive Care Anastasia Kotanidou about his health condition.

It is recalled that he was admitted to a hospital in Tirana because of the viral infection that had been afflicting him on December 30.

His health deteriorated and on 3 January his transfer to Athens was necessary.

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