Archaeologists Find Religious Artifacts at Ancient Amphipolis Acropolis -

Archaeologists Find Religious Artifacts at Ancient Amphipolis Acropolis

Νέα ευρήματα στην ακρόπολη της Αμφίπολης
Νέα ευρήματα στην Ακρόπολη της Αμφίπολης

Ongoing excavations at the Acropolis of Amphipolis have uncovered artifacts suggesting a religious site dating to the 4th century B.C., archaeologists have announced.

Researchers focused on an area west of an Early Byzantine basilica, uncovering a rectangular structure with limestone walls.

Artifacts found at the site, including terracotta female figurines, seashells and animal bones, suggest a religious function.

Archaeologists believe the site may have been dedicated to a female deity, possibly Artemis Tauropolos.

A statue torso identified as Artemis was found in later deposits from the basilica.

Horse figurines and seashells, discovered in previous excavations, suggest worship practices associated with Artemis.

A terracotta head of Asclepius, the god of medicine, was also found, fitting within the religious context. Previous excavations uncovered marble statues of Artemis and Asclepius together.

A terracotta Pan figurine further indicates a polytheistic worship site.

Excavations at the Acropolis of Amphipolis are expected to provide further insights into the site's religious significance.

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