Androulakis: The dualism of protests or justice promoted by the government is dangerous -

Androulakis: The dualism of protests or justice promoted by the government is dangerous

Nikos Androulakis
Nikos Androulakis /Credits: Eurokinissi

PASOK Movement for Change leader Nikos Androulakis, speaking on Wednesday at an event organised by the party, stressed that "civil society is not protesting against Justice but in favour of Justice. It is not mobilised in favour of the opposition parties but in favour of truth and the rule of law."

Androulakis emphasized that the citizens attending the commemorative gatherings for the Tempi rail accident are not seeking to destabilize. He also highlighted that 70% of citizens report their trust in institutions has been shaken.

"The hundreds of thousands of citizens who expressed their anguish over the lack of safety on the Greek railways are not seeking to destabilise the country," he said.

"The dualism of gatherings or justice that the government is cultivating is dangerous. Citizens are gathering peacefully to demand justice for the victims of Tempi," Androulakis stressed.

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