Androulakis: Greek people can rely on PASOK again for the needed big change -

Androulakis: Greek people can rely on PASOK again for the needed big change

Ο Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης
Ο Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης / Φωτογραφία: Eurokinissi

The year 2025 will be another year of multiple challenges for Greece and Europe in a world where inequalities are spreading, uncertainty is multiplied, and the quality of democracy is downgraded, PASOK-Movement for Change (KINAL) leader Nikos Androulakis said in an article published Sunday in the newspaper "Sto Karfi".

Androulakis said what is needed is a strong progressive voice that will represent effectively the world of labor, the most vulnerable, and the middle class. "A strong progressive voice before a government mired in arrogance and corruption, that disregards the problems of citizens," he wrote, adding that "the Greek people can rely on PASOK again for the great political change the country needs."

As main opposition party, he said, PASOK "has shown another way of exercising policy. In its core lies the quest for processed solutions, progressive ones, for the problems of the Greek people."

In order for ruling New Democracy to be defeated, another type of opposition must exist that can be effective and substantial, the main opposition leader said. "Behind every strong criticism of ours of government policies, there is always another progressive alternative we propose; a solution that the government initially tries to discredit, but it then realizes its value and appropriates it with public relation terms. In reality however, nothing changes fast in citizens' lives because its choices lack depth and a comprehensive plan," Androulakis wrote.

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