Androulakis strongly criticises Mitsotakis' 'satisfaction' with NATO Summit results -

Androulakis strongly criticises Mitsotakis' 'satisfaction' with NATO Summit results

Ο πρόεδρος του ΠΑΣΟΚ-Κινήματος Αλλαγής, Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης κατά την ομιλία του στην Κω
Ο πρόεδρος του ΠΑΣΟΚ-Κινήματος Αλλαγής, Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης / Φωτογραφία: Eurokinissi

Opposition PASOK-KINAL leader Nikos Androulakis, in a statement on Friday, criticised Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis for expressing "satisfaction" with the outcome of the NATO Summit and the stance adopted toward Turkey.

Androulakis accused the prime minister of showing contempt for the Greek people's intelligence and noted that the USA, instead of condemning the Turkish president, who seeks to encroach on Greece's sovereign rights, flouts UN resolutions regarding Famagusta, violates human rights within his country and has blackmailed NATO for months over the accession of Sweden and Finland, has instead rewarded his actions with a new F-I6 armaments programme.

"With all the above, Mitsotakis believes that there was a positive result for Greece. Unfortunately, he shows contempt for the intelligence of the Greek people. The Europeans and the Americans should understand that their behaviour, instead of sending a message to Erdogan to stop being an international troublemaker, rewards the bargaining tactics that he has employed in recent years at the expense of our country and the wider region," added Androulakis.

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