Androulakis chairs first PASOK Coordination Center meeting after party leadership elections -

Androulakis chairs first PASOK Coordination Center meeting after party leadership elections

Ο Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης σε ομιλία του
@Aris Oikonomou / SOOC

Extroversion, seriousness, unity, and constant mobility are the four focuses of PASOK-Movement for Change (KINAL) actions, said party leader Nikos Androulakis on Tuesday, at the first session of the new Political Center for Coordination following party leadership elections.

"We went through tough times and we are no longer under the pressure of the former bipartisanship. Citizens see PASOK-KINAL as the opponent of New Democracy, and this is reflected in polls," Androulakis underlined, while he also stressed that "we must be dynamically present in every battle in and out of Parliament, and in every region of Greece."

Androulakis requested of all party officers that they be extroverted, as when they toured when campaigning for elections, and said the issues of high cost of living, health, housing policy, labor relations, and farmers' problems shoud be highlighted. "Our internal party processes were carried out with seriousness and political civility," he noted.

The PASOK leader also stressed that strategic decisions will be taken by the Political Council and the Central Political Committe, while the new Political Center for Coordination aims at achieving a quick and effective coordination.

All members of the Coordinating Center appointed by Androulakis were present except Pavlos Geroulanos, who had an operation on his vocal chords. At doorstep statements, when Anna Diamantopoulou was asked about criticism from the other candidate for party leadership, Haris Doukas, she responded with a Greek saying, "Consensus builds homes and discord tears them down."

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