Amendment of special levy on electricity producers to finance August electricity tariffs submitted to Parliament -

Amendment of special levy on electricity producers to finance August electricity tariffs submitted to Parliament

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The amendment imposing a special levy on natural gas power plants, which is set at 10 euros per megawatt hour, was submitted to the Parliament.

Revenue from the special levy will be used to fund a subsidy on household electricity tariffs in August, the amount of which will be finalized by the end of the week, to keep final consumer prices close to 15 cents per kilowatt-hour. According to the provisions of the amendment, the levy is imposed initially for August with the possibility of extension up to three months.

This regulation, as pointed out, is necessary to deal with the increase in the cost of electricity for consumers due to the increase in the sale prices of electricity from natural gas plants to a level significantly higher than the production cost. It also aims to limit the excessive profitability of natural gas plants.

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