'All Athens is a stage'- 59 events with free entrance - iefimerida.gr

'All Athens is a stage'- 59 events with free entrance

συναυλια μοβ φως
«Όλη η Αθήνα μια σκηνή» - Από 1ης Ιουλίου έως 4 Αυγούστου, 59 εκδηλώσεις στις γειτονιές της πόλης με ελεύθερη είσοδο

Concerts, theatrical and musical shows, dance parties and musical tributes are included in the Athens Municipality's summer events programme entitled "All Athens is a stage", with free admission.

A total of 59 events will fill 30 neighborhoods of Athens with rhythm, sounds and images in all seven municipalities. For more than a month, the city's theatres, squares, parks and courtyards will become the summer residence of both new and established artists who participate in the events.

"All Athens is a stage" is the continuation of last year's programme by the Municipality of Athens, which this year also sent an open invitation to artists to submit their proposals for the event. The programme is organised by the Organisation for Culture, Sports and Youth of the Municipality of Athens (OPANDA), within the framework of Culture is Athens, bringing together the public and artists.

In his statement, the mayor of Athens, Kostas Bakoyannis, underlined: "This year's big outdoor celebration 'spreads' across the entire city to offer Athenians summer evenings full of quality entertainment. We are happy, because once again great artists responded to our invitation to participate in this special cultural event planned with great interest and care by OPANDA. We invite young and old to every park, every square, every open space of Athens - where this year the heart of 'All Athens is one stage' will beat - to come and spend unforgettable summer moments in the city".

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