Aktor Receives Approval for Capital Increase and Name Change - iefimerida.gr

Aktor Receives Approval for Capital Increase and Name Change

The President and CEO of AKTOR Group Alexandros Exarchou
The President and CEO of AKTOR Group Alexandros Exarchou

Aktor, a leading Greek construction and energy company, has received approval from the Hellenic Capital Market Commission for its capital increase. This move will allow the company to issue new shares and strengthen its financial position.

The company also announced that it has officially changed its name to "Aktor Societe Anonyme Holding Company Technical and Energy Projects," with the trademark title "Aktor Group of Companies."

This name change, approved by the Ministry of Development, reflects the company's strategic focus on the technical and energy sectors.

The new name will be officially reflected on the Athens Stock Exchange starting December 31st, 2024. These developments mark a significant milestone for Aktor as it embarks on a new chapter of growth and expansion.

The capital increase will provide the company with the resources to pursue new opportunities and invest in key projects, while the name change aligns with its evolving corporate identity and strategic direction.

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