Aegean Airlines orders eight more A321 neo aircraft from Airbus -

Aegean Airlines orders eight more A321 neo aircraft from Airbus

Aegean Airlines orders eight more A321 neo aircraft from Airbus
Aegean Airlines orders eight more A321 neo aircraft from Airbus /Credits:

Aegean Airlines on Friday announced that it has ordered an additional eight A321 neo planes from Airbus, extending the initial agreement signed with the aircraft manufacturer in 2018 for the third time.

Out of a total of 58 Airbus 320/321 aircraft that will be added to Aegean's fleet, 37 will be the larger A321 neo models, while four will be Airbus A321 neo LR (Long Range) planes that can fly further and have a specially designed passenger cabin for flights lasting up to 7.5 hours.

More specifically, with the additional eight aircraft, the modified order to Airbus is for 21 A320 neo planes, 33 A321 neo planes and four A321 neo LR planes, increasing the total from 50 to 58.

So far, 34 of the aircraft in the order have been delivered, one in 2025, with another four A320 neo aircraft scheduled to be delivered.

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