AADE Unveils New Digital Unit to Combat Tax Evasion - iefimerida.gr

AADE Unveils New Digital Unit to Combat Tax Evasion

AADE Unveils New Digital Unit to Combat Tax Evasion
AADE Unveils New Digital Unit to Combat Tax Evasion / shutterstock

The Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) is set to launch a new digital unit aimed at tackling tax evasion through extensive cross-referencing of financial data.

The unit will leverage artificial intelligence to analyze tax records, social media, and online platforms.

The goal is to enhance existing tools such as digital books (myDATA), the appodixi application, POS integration, and citizen complaint platforms to more effectively capture unreported incomes and unpaid taxes.

The unit will focus on several key areas, including verifying short-term rental property owners' compliance, detecting suspicious transactions using statistical methods, uncovering unreported real estate sales, and cross-checking hotel revenues with data from booking platforms. Additionally, new initiatives planned for implementation by the end of the year include an asset enhancement monitoring system and a new property management registry.

The AADE also aims to improve the collection of overdue debts through newly established recovery centers in Athens and Thessaloniki, which will utilize digital tools to track and recover unpaid liabilities.

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