AADE Exposes Widespread Online Tax Evasion, Over €18.5 Million Concealed - iefimerida.gr

AADE Exposes Widespread Online Tax Evasion, Over €18.5 Million Concealed

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In a major crackdown on tax evasion, Greece's Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) has uncovered a network of over 52 businesses selling goods online without declaring their revenues or issuing proper invoices.

Through targeted inspections and cross-checking data from the myDATA platform and courier companies, the AADE has identified a staggering 18.5 million in hidden taxable income during the first half of 2024 alone.

The investigation revealed a variety of businesses across different sectors involved in this illegal practice. These included companies selling household appliances, lighting products, clothing, jewelry, cosmetics, and even a passenger vehicle operation.

The undeclared income ranged from tens of thousands to millions of euros, with substantial amounts of VAT also evaded.

The AADE's system flagged suspicious behavior, leading to further investigation through online sources and bank account access.

The crackdown highlights the ongoing challenge of tax evasion in Greece, particularly in the rapidly growing e-commerce sector. It also underscores the AADE's determination to combat these practices and ensure a fair and transparent tax system.

This operation sends a strong message to businesses that tax evasion will not be tolerated.

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