62-Year-Old Italian Man Killed in Rhodes Road Accident Involving Goats - iefimerida.gr

62-Year-Old Italian Man Killed in Rhodes Road Accident Involving Goats

Επιχείρηση του ΕΚΑΒ (αρχείου)

A 62-year-old Italian resident of Rhodes tragically lost his life in a motorcycle accident on Tuesday afternoon when he collided with goats that suddenly entered his path.

The incident occurred around 4:30 p.m. on the Rhodes-Lindos road, as the man was traveling from Kalathos toward Lindos.

According to local news outlet Rodiaki.gr, four unattended goats darted onto the road near the area of Vlycha, causing the rider to collide with one of them. The impact resulted in fatal injuries.

Traffic police from Rhodes and an ambulance from the Hellenic National Emergency Service (EKAV) quickly arrived at the scene.

The man was transported to Rhodes General Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Authorities are investigating the circumstances of the incident.

The tragedy highlights ongoing concerns about free-roaming livestock on public roads in rural areas of Greece.

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