50th anniversary from the foundation of PASOK to be celebrated on Tuesday at Zappeion - iefimerida.gr

50th anniversary from the foundation of PASOK to be celebrated on Tuesday at Zappeion

Tα κεντρικά του ΠΑΣΟΚ
Tα κεντρικά γραφεία του ΠΑΣΟΚ

The 50th anniversary from the foundation of PASOK will be celebrated on Tuesday at 19:00 at the Zappeion Megaron.

The former presidents of PASOK, Kostas Simitis, George Papandreou and Evangelos Venizelos, will address a greeting, while the founding members of PASOK who signed the declaration of September 3, 1974 will be honoured.

The leader of PASOK-Movement for Change, Nikos Androulakis, will speak at the event, followed by a concert-tribute to the great music composer Yiannis Markopoulos, who passed away a year ago and whose work was identified with the struggle against the junta and the post-dictatorship era.

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