23 Arrested in Greece Artifact Smuggling Ring Bust - iefimerida.gr

23 Arrested in Greece Artifact Smuggling Ring Bust

Αρχαία νομίσματα και αγάλματα
Πλούσια η δράση των τριών οργανώσεων αρχαιοκαπηλίας / Φωτογραφία: astynomia.gr

Greek authorities arrested 23 people suspected of involvement in three artifact smuggling rings operating in Northern Greece, police said.

The organizations conducted illegal excavations, sometimes using explosives, in the Serres and Thessaloniki regions.

The Hellenic Police said two of the groups focused on illicit archaeological excavations, theft, and illegal export of ancient artifacts.

A third group concentrated on treasure hunting, seeking gold coins and other valuable objects.

A large-scale police operation on March 13 resulted in the arrests.

Fifty people have been charged in connection with the crimes, which date back to September 2024.

The groups used counter-surveillance tactics and coded language to evade detection. Ancient coins were referred to as "trinkets," and excavation finds as "blessings."

Authorities confiscated 2,465 ancient artifacts.

One arrested individual was a foreign national.

An employee of the Archaeological Service was involved in one of the rings, providing expertise for targeted excavations.

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