2025 tax reforms: Strategy to boost income and combat tax evasion - iefimerida.gr

2025 tax reforms: Strategy to boost income and combat tax evasion

Economy / Shutterstock

2025 marks a new era for the country's tax map, as a series of significant changes are implemented that substantially enhance the disposable income of citizens.

At the same time, the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) strengthens the fight against tax evasion through new innovative technologies and tools, focusing on its effective detection and fight.

The State's strategy is based on two main directions: reducing taxes and boosting income, with particular emphasis on the middle class. This social group is constantly affected by high prices and taxes. 2025 is expected to be a decisive year, as it will determine the possibilities for further permanent tax reductions.

The actions of the AADE to combat tax evasion, combined with income support measures, are crucial factors in achieving these goals.

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