10-year bonds to be issued - iefimerida.gr

10-year bonds to be issued

Bonds / Shutterstock

Greece announced Tuesday the reopening of a 10-year bond issue with a fixed interest rate of 3.375% maturing on June 15, 2034.

The Public Debt Management Agency (PDMA) said the auction aims to meet investor demand and boost activity in the secondary market. The auction, capped at 200 million euros, will be held on Wednesday, June 19, through the Electronic Trading System (H.D.A.T.).

Only primary dealers can participate, submitting up to five competitive bids each by noon local time. Bids will be accepted up to the auctioned amount and priced at the cut-off rate.

The announcement follows a decrease in the 10-year Greek bond yield on the secondary market, falling from 3.65% last week to 3.59% on Tuesday.

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