10-year bond sale a success of all Greeks, National Economy and Finance minister says - iefimerida.gr

10-year bond sale a success of all Greeks, National Economy and Finance minister says

O Κωστής Χατζηδάκης
O Κωστής Χατζηδάκης / ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ

The successful completion of a 10-year syndicated bond issue is a success of all Greeks and a reward of the government's economic policy, National Economy and Finance Minister Costis Hatzidakis said on Tuesday, adding that the bond issue broke a significant record.

In a statement, Hatzidakis said: "Today we returned to markets to borrow 4 billion euros, and investors offered 35 billion euros. We achieved some significant records. It was the biggest 10-year bond issue since 2010, with the largrest offer book, the spread is expected to be the lowest and the borrowing interest rate is expected to close around 3.5%. All these certify the steadily growing Greek economy. Restoring confidence, regaining the investment grade and a prudent fiscal policy ensured lower borrowing costs and benefits to Greek taxpayers."

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