Danae Stratou-Varoufakis: Girl on a motorcycle - iefimerida.gr

Danae Stratou-Varoufakis: Girl on a motorcycle


Danae Stratou is no ordinary woman, and every other appearance seems to indicate that she is unique.

The glamorous wife of the Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis was captured by the photographer of Hello Magazine riding her large displacement bike.
Recently the Greek publication Athens Voice claimed that Mrs. Stratou was the subject of Pulp’s 1996 mega-hit “Common People.” Mrs. Stratou studied art at Saint Martin's College where she alegedly met with Pulp’s singer Jarvis Cocker.

Since graduating from St. Martins, Stratou has gone on to forge a successful career as an installation artist. Her page says that she based between Austin, Texas, and Athens, Greece. Along with her husband, she founded an non-profit group to support young artists called Vital Space.

Danae Stratou-Varoufakis: Girl on a motorcycle | iefimerida.gr 0
Danae Stratou-Varoufakis: Girl on a motorcycle | iefimerida.gr 1
Danae Stratou-Varoufakis: Girl on a motorcycle | iefimerida.gr 2
Danae Stratou-Varoufakis: Girl on a motorcycle | iefimerida.gr 3
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ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ Danae Stratou motorcycle
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